The NSF Scholarships in STEM (S-STEM) program is convening two listening sessions focused on the strengths, challenges and needs of low-income students pursuing undergraduate and graduate degrees in STEM areas and how they can be better supported. Stakeholders from higher education, industry, government, non-profits and other sectors are invited to share their insights on topics including academic and co-curricular supports, food and housing insecurity, family responsibilities, and any other issues related to the realities of this critical student population.
Friday November 4 2022, 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Registration link:
November 7 2022, 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM Eastern Standard Time
Registration link:
WHO SHOULD ATTEND: These sessions are open to any members of the public who engage with low-income students in STEM, including: faculty; higher education administrators; college and university financial aid, student services, and admissions staff; students; NSF staff and other government personnel; members of the nonprofit community; industry representatives; and researchers.
WHERE: The listening session will be conducted virtually via Zoom.
RSVP: Pre-registration is required for this event. Please pre-register here for the 11/4 session and here for the 11/7 session. A Zoom meeting link and password will be sent to you after your registration is confirmed.
GUIDING QUESTIONS: As part of the listening session, NSF is seeking to foster discussion of the following points:
1. What strategies are institutions using to support low-income students? What strategies are the students themselves employing? What is working? What isn’t?
2. What factors are critical to building an effective academic and co-curricular support structure for low-income STEM students? What gaps do you see that need to be addressed?
3. What are your experiences with peer or faculty mentoring for low-income students? Are there any particularly effective or promising formats or practices? What are areas of challenge?
4. The NSF Scholarships in STEM (S-STEM) program funds projects that provide financial, academic, and co-curricular supports for low-income students in STEM. What is your awareness of, and/or experience with, the program (e.g. requirements, accessibility, outcomes, or other factors?)
AGENDA: After introductory remarks, there will be an open forum for participants followed by a breakout session.
LOGISTICS: The IDA Science and Technology Policy Institute will be facilitating the meeting on NSF’s behalf. The meeting will be recorded. Participation in this session implies consent for NSF to capture your name, voice, and likeness, and anything you say may be recorded and transcribed for NSF use. Moderators will manage participation and remove disruptive participants if necessary. For questions about session logistics, contact Dr. Brian Zuckerman ([email protected]) at IDA.
For other questions regarding the listening session, please contact Michael Ferrara ([email protected]) at NSF.
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