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DOE Opportunities for Students/Recent Graduates

For program flyer, click the image above.

The DOE Scholars Program introduces students and recent college graduates to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) mission and operations.

Artificial IntelligenceNuclear Energy and Security
Clean Energy and Renewable Sources: Wind, Solar, Geothermal, Biomass and HydropowerClimate Change Electricity Energy Efficiency
CybersecurityEnvironmental Science
Emergency ResponseAdvanced Manufacturing
Energy StorageNational Security
Fossil Energy: Oil, Coal and Natural GasVehicles
Hydrogen & Fuel CellsManagement and Operations

The DOE Scholars Program offers the following benefits:

  • Stipends starting at $700 per week for undergraduates and $750 per week for graduate students and recent graduates
  • Limited travel reimbursement to/from assigned location
  • Direct exposure to and participation in projects and activities in DOE mission-relevant research areas
  • Identification of career goals and opportunities
  • Development of professional networks with leading scientists and subject matter experts


  • Be a U.S. citizen.
  • Must be pursuing a degree or have received a degree within 5 years in a science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) discipline or a field that supports the DOE operations mission including but not limited to communications, management, business, and law.

How to Apply

Applications and supporting materials must be submitted at https://www.zintellect.com/Opportunity/Details/DOE-Scholars-2024-Gen

Application deadline

February 15, 2024, 11:59 PM EST

For more information

Visit: https://orise.orau.gov/doescholars


[email protected]

Please share this information with friends and colleagues who might be interested in opportunities with DOE.

DOE has partnered with the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) to administer this program.

Simons Foundation Independence Awards for Early Career Scientists

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The Simons Foundation Independence Awards seek to support early-career scientists from diverse and/or historically underrepresented backgrounds in their transition from mentored training into independent faculty positions. These awards are offered through the following Simons Foundation grantmaking programs:

  • Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative (SFARI) 
  • Simons Collaboration on Plasticity and the Aging Brain (SCPAB) 
  • Simons Collaboration on the Global Brain (SCGB)

Award: Selected applicants will receive up to two years of postdoctoral support with an annual salary of $85,000 plus a yearly resource and professional development allowance of $10,000. Upon assumption of an approved tenure-track faculty position (or equivalent), fellows will receive grant funding of $600,000 total over three years. Please visit this website to see a recorded webinar about the opportunity.

The program is aimed at: Ph.D. and/or M.D.-holding scientists who are currently in a non-independent, mentored training position at an institution within or outside the U.S. and who will be actively applying to tenure-track faculty positions between September 2024–May 2025 at research institutions within or outside the U.S. We aim to support scientists from diverse and/or underrepresented communities within these categories: race, ethnicity, disadvantaged social and/or economic status, gender identity, sexual orientation and disability status. We also recognize that diversity and underrepresentation can vary from setting to setting and across countries. U.S. citizenship or permanent resident status is not required. Please see the eligibility criteria for more information.

Application deadline: January 10, 2024

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7122261880026357760/

Twitter/X: https://x.com/SimonsFdn/status/1712114638517649590?s=20

Please share this opportunity widely!


Student and Fellow Program Manager

Autism & Neuroscience

Simons Foundation 


Webinar on the USDA-NIFA HSI Education Grants Program

Here is the message from the webinar organizers. Please also the link for serving as a review panelist.

I wanted to pass along the registration link to the USDA-NIFA Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSI) Education Grants Program FY24 Request for Application (RFA) Technical Assistance Webinar, which will be held from 2-3pm ET on December 6th. During this webinar, we will discuss the purpose and priorities of the HSI grant program, eligibility information, grant types supported, application details and submission, the evaluation process, and resources for preparing an application. Please share widely with your contacts who might be interested in applying to or learning more about the HSI Education Grants Program.

A link to register can be found here: https://www.nifa.usda.gov/events/hispanic-serving-institutions-education-grants-program-fy24-rfa-technical-assistance-webinar

We hope to see you there!

Decatur Foster, Ph.D.

Program Specialist, HSI Education Grants Program

United States Department of Agriculture

National Institute of Food and Agriculture

Institute of Youth, Family, and Community

Division of Community and Education

Work Cell: 774-991-5205

Interested in being a peer-review panelist?

RF Webinar: The Spencer Foundation

December 6, 2023  (12 noon – 1pm)

The Spencer Foundation

Overview of Webinar: The Spencer Foundation works to investigate ways in which education can be improved around the world. There is a great dedication to research, as it is necessary for the improvement of education. The Spencer Foundation supports research programs in high-quality investigations of education. By awarding research grants, and fellowships the foundation strengthens the connections in education research, policy and practice through communications and networking. The foundation awards a series of prestigious fellowships to early career education researchers, typically pre-tenured professors at research institutions. Each fellowship is for a total of $55,000 and is for one or two years depending on the preference of the recipient. The fellowship relieves the researcher from a year’s worth of teaching responsibilities to pursue an innovative and important education research project. The foundation also awards a series of prestigious fellowships to doctoral students completing dissertation research in any area of education research. Each fellowship is for $25,000 and supports individuals in the final year of their doctoral training.

Targeted Audience: All CUNY Faculty and Doctoral students engaged in research and training on educational research and research on quality learning; racial and justice equity; human work and learning; state and federal policy.

Presenters: John Tsapogas, Director, RFCUNY APPS and Xia Li, Associate Professor, Early Childhood Education, Brooklyn College

Join us on December 6, 2023 at 12 noon  – 1pm

Registration URL:  https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3335420633067124315

Webinar ID: 182-830-531

In connection with the RFCUNY Brown Bag Research Webinars 2023-2024

Grant Announcement Letter from ORSP

The October issue of the Grant Announcement Letter (GAL) from the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP) is available and can be viewed by clicking the image:

Coffee & Conversations on NSF I-Corp

Join us for an upcoming in-person presentation overview of the NSF I-Corps regional and national program for university researchers and innovators interested in bringing technological innovations to market!

In-Person ONLY,  jointly hosted with the New York I-Corp and the Tech Incubator at Queens College, on Monday, December 11, 2023, from 12:15 pm to 1:30 pm, at the Tech Incubator at Queens College, CEP Hall #2, 65-30 Kissena Blvd. Flushing NY 11367



This event will only be in-person. You must register to be allowed int the building. You must also bring an ID to be allowed on campus.

12:15 PM – 12:20 PM: Introductions & Welcome

12:20 PM – 12:40 PM: Presentation #1 NSF I-Corps National Teams Program, CUNY I-Corps Winter Lean Bootcamp Course, New York Regional I-Corps Hub Opportunities

12:40 PM – 12:50 PM: Presentation #2 Queens College Tech Incubator, Queens Startup Competitions

12:50 PM – 1:00 PM: Presentation #3 New York City Innovation Hotspot / CUNY iHub Incubator

1:00 PM – 1:15 PM: Questions, Comments, Open-Discussion, Open Networking

Presenters will be represented from:




For more information, contact Ying Zhou, Executive Director of QC Tech Incubator, at [email protected]

Featured Funding Opportunities: B2 and LEAPS-MPS

As a Minority Serving Institution (MSI), Queens College researchers can access various funding programs specially tailored for such institutions. Here, we would like to feature two such programs from NSF, one focused on Social Sciences and the other on Mathematics and Physical Sciences.

I. Build and Broaden: Enhancing Social, Behavioral, and Economic Science Research and Capacity at Minority-Serving Institutions (B2)

“Build and Broaden (B2) supports fundamental research and research capacity across disciplines at minority-serving institutions (MSIs) and encourages research collaborations with scholars at MSIs… Proposals are invited from single principal investigators based at MSIs and from multiple co-investigators from groups of MSIs. Principal investigators who are not affiliated with MSIs may submit proposals, but must collaborate with PIs, co-PIs, or senior personnel from MSIs and describe how their project will foster research partnerships or capacity-building with at least one MSI as a primary goal of the proposed work. Proposals may address any scientific and cross-disciplinary areas supported by SBE. These areas include anthropology, archaeology, cognitive neuroscience, decision science, ecological research, economics, geography, linguistics, law and science, organizational behavior, political science, public policy, security and preparedness, psychology, and sociology. To find research areas supported by SBE please visit the SBE programs page or visit the NSF funding and awards page.”

This program is ideal for colleagues in Social Sciences whose research aligns with the NSF SBE programs. The next submission target date is January 18, 2024.

Dr. Enrique S. Pumar, Program Director for this program will be visiting CUNY on Wednesday, November 8, 2023 and will host a forum from 1:00pm to 5:00pm at the ASRC Auditorium at CUNY. More information for this event, including the agenda and the registration link can be found at

NSF B2 PD Visit    

II. Launching Early-Career Academic Pathways in the Mathematical and Physical Sciences (LEAPS-MPS)

“Launching Early-Career Academic Pathways in the Mathematical and Physical Sciences (LEAPS-MPS) call has an emphasis to help launch the careers of pre-tenure faculty in Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS) fields at institutions that do not traditionally receive significant amounts of NSF-MPS funding, such as some minority-serving institutions (MSIs), predominantly undergraduate institutions (PUIs), and Carnegie Research 2 (R2) universities. LEAPS-MPS has the additional goal of achieving excellence through diversity and aims to broaden participation to include members from groups historically excluded and currently underrepresented in the Mathematical and Physical Sciences, including Blacks and African Americans, Hispanics, Latinos, Native Americans, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and other Native Pacific Islanders… These grants are intended to support MPS principal investigators, particularly at the aforementioned institutions, for whom LEAPS funding would enable the PI to submit a subsequent successful proposal to a traditional, already-existing NSF funding opportunity, such as individual investigator programs, CAREER competitions, etc… Awards are for 24 months and are up to $250,000 total costs (direct plus indirect).”

This program serves as a gateway to an NSF CAREER award and is especially beneficial for pre-tenure faculty in mathematical and physical sciences.  

Should you have specific interests or questions for any of these programs, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or reach out to an NSF program officer.

RF Webinar on Writing Competitive Grant Applications

November 8 (12 Noon – 1PM)

Writing Competitive Grant Applications: Focusing on Project Summaries and Descriptions

Overview of Webinar: Project descriptions and summaries are important sections in grant proposals that need to be carefully presented with a focus on the needs of the Principal Investigator project and the sponsor program goals. While preparing the document, emphasis should be given to the quality of information and how the information is organized, structured, and presented. These documents are often written by faculty in a fast-paced manner to meet sponsor deadline requirements. This webinar will provide faculty with guidance and training on how to present the important sections of these documents to make them competitive. The webinar will include the following topics: Effective proposal titles; Setting a realistic scope for the project; Outlining the scientific problems/challenges that the project will solve; Describing the hypotheses of the research; Setting project goals, objectives, and outcomes; Identifying project benefits to your field of study, your institution, your students, and society, Employing and presenting the right methods; Employing the right team (researchers, faculty, students). Designing an effective management plan (advisory committees); Establishing stages, timelines, deadlines, and milestones.

Join us on Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Registration URL: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/6391458226888959061

Webinar ID: 362-461-211

Grant Announcement Letter from ORSP

The October issue of the Grant Announcement Letter (GAL) from the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP) is available at

GAL Oct 23.pdf

NASA MSI Engagement Newsletter

Here is the latest issue of the NASA NASA MSI Engagement Newsletter, a service of the Minority University Research and Education Project (MUREP) in the Office of STEM Engagement (OSTEM) of NASA. It includes information on NASA funding, faculty, student, training and event opportunities that are especially appropriate for Minority Serving Institutions.

NASA MSI Engagement Newsletter (Oct 2023)

Information from the NASEM Workshop “AI to Assist Mathematical Reasoning” 

Earlier, we posted information about the Virtual workshop “AI to Assist Mathematical Reasoning”  hosted by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM). The videos from the workshop are available at:
