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RF Webinar on Writing Competitive Grant Applications

Writing Competitive Grant Applications: Focusing on Project Summaries and Descriptions
Overview of Webinar: Project descriptions and summaries are important sections in grant proposals that need to be carefully presented with a focus on the needs of the Principal Investigator project and the sponsor program goals. While preparing the document, emphasis should be given to the quality of information and how the information is organized, structured, and presented. These documents are often written by faculty in a fast-paced manner to meet sponsor deadline requirements. This webinar will provide faculty with guidance and training on how to present the important sections of these documents to make them competitive. The webinar will include the following topics: Effective proposal titles; Setting a realistic scope for the project; Outlining the scientific problems/challenges that the project will solve; Describing the hypotheses of the research; Setting project goals, objectives, and outcomes; Identifying project benefits to your field of study, your institution, your students, and society, Employing and presenting the right methods; Employing the right team (researchers, faculty, students). Designing an effective management plan (advisory committees); Establishing stages, timelines, deadlines, and milestones.
Join us on Wednesday, November 8, 2023
Registration URL: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/6391458226888959061
Webinar ID: 362-461-211
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