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Simons Foundation Independence Awards for Early Career Scientists
The Simons Foundation Independence Awards seek to support early-career scientists from diverse and/or historically underrepresented backgrounds in their transition from mentored training into independent faculty positions. These awards are offered through the following Simons Foundation grantmaking programs:
- Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative (SFARI)
- Simons Collaboration on Plasticity and the Aging Brain (SCPAB)
- Simons Collaboration on the Global Brain (SCGB)
Award: Selected applicants will receive up to two years of postdoctoral support with an annual salary of $85,000 plus a yearly resource and professional development allowance of $10,000. Upon assumption of an approved tenure-track faculty position (or equivalent), fellows will receive grant funding of $600,000 total over three years. Please visit this website to see a recorded webinar about the opportunity.
The program is aimed at: Ph.D. and/or M.D.-holding scientists who are currently in a non-independent, mentored training position at an institution within or outside the U.S. and who will be actively applying to tenure-track faculty positions between September 2024–May 2025 at research institutions within or outside the U.S. We aim to support scientists from diverse and/or underrepresented communities within these categories: race, ethnicity, disadvantaged social and/or economic status, gender identity, sexual orientation and disability status. We also recognize that diversity and underrepresentation can vary from setting to setting and across countries. U.S. citizenship or permanent resident status is not required. Please see the eligibility criteria for more information.
Application deadline: January 10, 2024
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7122261880026357760/
Twitter/X: https://x.com/SimonsFdn/status/1712114638517649590?s=20
Please share this opportunity widely!
Student and Fellow Program Manager
Autism & Neuroscience
Simons Foundation
Webinar on the USDA-NIFA HSI Education Grants Program

Here is the message from the webinar organizers. Please also the link for serving as a review panelist.
I wanted to pass along the registration link to the USDA-NIFA Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSI) Education Grants Program FY24 Request for Application (RFA) Technical Assistance Webinar, which will be held from 2-3pm ET on December 6th. During this webinar, we will discuss the purpose and priorities of the HSI grant program, eligibility information, grant types supported, application details and submission, the evaluation process, and resources for preparing an application. Please share widely with your contacts who might be interested in applying to or learning more about the HSI Education Grants Program.
A link to register can be found here: https://www.nifa.usda.gov/events/hispanic-serving-institutions-education-grants-program-fy24-rfa-technical-assistance-webinar
We hope to see you there!
Decatur Foster, Ph.D.
Program Specialist, HSI Education Grants Program
United States Department of Agriculture
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Institute of Youth, Family, and Community
Division of Community and Education
Work Cell: 774-991-5205
RF Webinar: The Spencer Foundation

December 6, 2023 (12 noon – 1pm)
The Spencer Foundation
Overview of Webinar: The Spencer Foundation works to investigate ways in which education can be improved around the world. There is a great dedication to research, as it is necessary for the improvement of education. The Spencer Foundation supports research programs in high-quality investigations of education. By awarding research grants, and fellowships the foundation strengthens the connections in education research, policy and practice through communications and networking. The foundation awards a series of prestigious fellowships to early career education researchers, typically pre-tenured professors at research institutions. Each fellowship is for a total of $55,000 and is for one or two years depending on the preference of the recipient. The fellowship relieves the researcher from a year’s worth of teaching responsibilities to pursue an innovative and important education research project. The foundation also awards a series of prestigious fellowships to doctoral students completing dissertation research in any area of education research. Each fellowship is for $25,000 and supports individuals in the final year of their doctoral training.
Targeted Audience: All CUNY Faculty and Doctoral students engaged in research and training on educational research and research on quality learning; racial and justice equity; human work and learning; state and federal policy.
Presenters: John Tsapogas, Director, RFCUNY APPS and Xia Li, Associate Professor, Early Childhood Education, Brooklyn College
Join us on December 6, 2023 at 12 noon – 1pm
Registration URL: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3335420633067124315
Webinar ID: 182-830-531
In connection with the RFCUNY Brown Bag Research Webinars 2023-2024
Grant Announcement Letter from ORSP
The October issue of the Grant Announcement Letter (GAL) from the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP) is available at

NASA MSI Engagement Newsletter

Here is the latest issue of the NASA NASA MSI Engagement Newsletter, a service of the Minority University Research and Education Project (MUREP) in the Office of STEM Engagement (OSTEM) of NASA. It includes information on NASA funding, faculty, student, training and event opportunities that are especially appropriate for Minority Serving Institutions.
NASA MSI Engagement Newsletter (Oct 2023)
NSF Webinar on the Enabling Partnerships to Increase Innovation Capacity (EPIIC) Program

The NSF Enabling Partnerships to Increase Innovation Capacity (EPIIC) program is hosting an informational webinar on Thursday, Oct. 25, 2023, at 3:30 p.m. Eastern Time. In this session, program directors will provide an overview about the preliminary proposal submission process, program eligibility, and what we look for when we review proposals. We invite you to submit your questions when you register by entering them into the questions and comments field on the registration page.
Real-time captions will be available. For other reasonable accommodations, please email [email protected] in advance.
About the EPIIC Program
Launched by the NSF Directorate for Technology, Innovation and Partnerships (TIP), the EPIIC program aims to provide institutions with training and networking support to develop the capacity and institutional knowledge needed to help build more inclusive ecosystems and enable participation in regional innovation ecosystems, potentially connecting to NSF Regional Innovation Engines. This solicitation aims to provide MSIs, PUIs, and two-year institutions with limited or no research capacity with the support necessary to become equitable partners with teams competing under the current and subsequent NSF Engines program funding opportunities.
Grant Announcement Letter from ORSP
The September issue of the Grant Announcement Letter (GAL) from the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP) is available below.
NASA MSI Engagement Newsletter

Here is the latest issue of the NASA NASA MSI Engagement Newsletter, a service of the Minority University Research and Education Project (MUREP) in the Office of STEM Engagement (OSTEM) of NASA. It includes information on NASA funding, faculty, student, training and event opportunities that are especially appropriate for Minority Serving Institutions.
Grant Announcement Letter from ORSP
The June issue of the Grant Announcement Letter (GAL) from the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP), , as well as the recent issues, are available below
For other recent editions, check Grant Announcement Letter under Categories.
Expanding AI Innovation through Capacity Building and Partnerships (A New NSF Solicitation)
Expanding AI Innovation through Capacity Building and Partnerships (ExpandAI). The Expanding AI Innovation through Capacity Building and Partnerships (ExpandAI) program aims to significantly broaden participation in AI research, education, and workforce development through capacity development projects and through partnerships within the National AI Research Institutes ecosystem. Proposals may be submitted only by a minority-serving college or university meeting the criteria listed under ‘Eligible Institutions of Higher Education’ in this program solicitation.
Due Dates: January 09, 2023 – March 13, 2023; March 14, 2023 – June 26, 2023; June 27, 2023 – October 20, 2023; January 8 2024 – March 11, 2024.
Register in advance for ExpandAI webinars at:
Or an H.323/SIP room system:
H.323: (US West) or (US East)
Meeting ID: 160 688 1553
Passcode: 017857
SIP: [email protected]
Passcode: 017857
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