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Yearly Archives: 2022

NSF Webinar on the Internet Measurement Research (IMR) Program

The NSF program solicitation Internet Measurement Research (IMR): Methodologies, Tools, and Infrastructure (IMR), launched by the CISE Directorate in partnership with the MPS Directorate, continues to receive submissions in 2023. The submission deadlines are February 15, 2023, for Track 1 and March 8, 2023, for Track 2.

Please see NSF 22-519 for details.

This competition may be of interest to mathematics and statistics researchers who are creating new mathematical/stochastic models and statistical methodologies for Internet measurement research and/or developing innovative techniques or methodologies to ensure privacy protection or other novel methodologies and analyses.

An informational webinar is scheduled for Thursday, December 15, 2022, 3:00-4:00 PM Eastern time. This webinar will provide an overview of this program. More details about how to register for the webinar are available here:    https://beta.nsf.gov/events/internet-measurement-research-program-webinar

NIH SuRE-First R16 Workshop by iMERS

NIH SuRE R16 Grants: Details, Eligibility, and Support

• Thursday, January 19th, 3:00 PM EST. Registration at JOIN US JANUARY 19
• Wednesday, January 25th, 4:00 PM EST. Registration at JOIN US JANUARY 25
• 60-min, including Live Q&A
• presented by Melissa Nickell, Administrator, SuRE Resource Center

Each presentation will cover the following:
• NIH SuRE and SuRE-First grants
• Eligibility requirements to apply for a SuRE grant
• Grant submission timelines
• Seed grant for the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP)
• Support services through the SuRE Resource Center

Description. Want to learn more about NIH SuRE R16 grants and the support available to faculty and institutions to pursue these funding mechanisms?

Our team at the University of Kentucky is excited to announce that the SuRE Resource Center is underway. We invite you to attend one of our introductory presentations on Jan 19 or Jan 25 to help answer your questions. 

NIH SuRE grants support eligible institutions in their effort to build a research culture, increase funding success, and provide research opportunities for students. Institutions with limited NIH funding, teaching underserved student populations, may qualify for assistance from the SuRE Resource Center in applying for these funding opportunities.  

RF Webinar on NSF CAREER Program

Overview of Webinar: The Faculty Early Career Development (Career) Program is an NSF-wide activity that offers prestigious awards in support of early-career faculty who have the potential to serve as academic role models in research and education and to lead advances in the mission of their department or organization. The Career Program proposal should contain a well-argued set of activities that will, over a 5-year period, build a firm foundation for a lifetime of contributions to research and education in the context of the Principal Investigator’s organization. The proposed project should aim to advance the employee’s career goals and job responsibilities as well as the mission of the department or organization.

Targeted Audience: CUNY faculty who holda doctoral degree and conduct research in a field supported by NSF. Eligible applicants include untenured faculty members who hold at least a 50% tenure-track (or tenure-track-equivalent) position as an assistant professor (or equivalent title) who have not previously received a Career award.

Presenters: John Tsapogas, Director, RFCUNY-APPS and Megan Owen, Professor of Mathematics, Lehman College

Join us on December 14, 2022 at 12 Noon  – 1pm

Registration URL https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3243392600996652557

Webinar ID 244-923-467

In connection with the RFCUNY Wednesday Brown Bag Research Webinar – Academic Year 2022/2023

QC Res Enhancement Grant: extended deadline

The QC Research Enhancement proposal deadline has been extended to December 9, 2022 at noon. See the updated RFP at Updated Res Enhancement RFP

RF Webinar on NSF PIRE Program

November 30 (12 noon – 1pm), NSF Partnerships for International Research and Education (PIRE) Grants

Overview of Webinar: International engagement is increasingly critical to keeping the U.S. globally competitive at the frontiers of knowledge. The PIRE program supports a set of cutting-edge interdisciplinary projects focused on use-inspired research on climate change and/or clean energy in which advances require international collaboration. PIRE projects support team readiness to grow into prominent enduring international hubs of research excellence that advance knowledge, empower communities, and generate discovery and innovative technological solutions at a global scale. PIRE support is intended to scale up and expand research in all science and engineering disciplines and in interdisciplinary areas by enhancing and building partnerships beyond the PIRE funding period and catalyzing readiness to grow to center level activity. PIRE promotes cooperation among scientists and engineers from all nations and enables research at the leading edge of science and engineering by facilitating partnerships with others nationally and internationally, by educating and preparing a diverse, world-class STEM workforce, and by fostering institutional capacity for international collaboration. The PIRE projects should enhance diversity, equity and inclusion in science and engineering in both research and education.

Targeted Audience: CUNY Science and Engineering faculty

Presenters: John Tsapogas, Director, RFCUNY-APPS and Masahiro Kawaji, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, CCNY

Join us on November 30, 2022 at 12 Noon  – 1pm

Registration URL: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4551759761003538445

    Webinar ID 928-854-515

In connection with the RFCUNY Wednesday Brown Bag Research Webinar – Academic Year 2022/2023

Grant Announcement Letter from ORSP

The November 2022 issue of the Grant Announcement Letter (GAL) from the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP) is now available at GAL-NOV-22.pdf

iMERS: Spring ’23 NIH Grant Workshop


We’re accepting applications through Tuesday, January 3rd, for our expenses-paid grant writing workshop on the University of Kentucky campus. View our event flyer and workshop ebook for more information. Apply here or below.

Applicants: Faculty at Minority Serving Institutions
Location: University of Kentucky Campus, Lexington, KY
Workshop Date: Mon-Wed, March 27-29, 2023
Application Deadline: Tuesday, January 3, 2023, 5:00 PM EDT
Applicants Notified: Early January 2023
Download application instructions

If you’re a faculty member at a Minority Serving Institution with promising research, consider applying for our immersive three-day workshop. Successful applicants will have an expense-paid opportunity to attend didactic lectures, participate in interactive exercises, and work with a faculty mentor for personalized post-workshop support. A Specific Aims draft is optional to apply but providing one will be weighed heavily in the decision-making process.

We encourage applicants to consider their possible workshop participation when scheduling courses and teaching activities for the new semester.  


ASRC Communicating Your Science Event Series

Applied Science: A Conversation about STEM Higher Education & Science Communication With Malcolm Gladwell 

Join us on December 2, 2022 at 2 p.m. for a special Communicating Your Science event with Malcolm Gladwell, New York Times best-selling author, social commentator and host of the podcast Revisionist History, where he’ll discuss the role that public higher education institutions can play in communicating science and ensuring that STEM education and research data are available and accessible to all. 
Malcolm Gladwell’s recently released audio book, I Hate the Ivy League: Riffs and Rants on Elite Education, is a collection of the writer’s podcast episodes on higher education. 
During this insightful conversation Gladwell and CUNY Graduate Center Dean for the Sciences Josh Brumberg will discuss: 

  • The role public higher education institutions have in making science more accessible and valuable to the public 
  • How we can make STEM education and careers more accessible to underrepresented communities 
  • How students and faculty at public higher education institutions should be thinking about their roles as science communicators and facilitators of STEM education access 
  • What being a reporter revealed about communicating with the public 

Please register to attend. There will be time for Q&A. 

Panel Discussion on the NSF LEAPS-MPS Program

Date: Wednesday, Dec. 14, 3 – 4pm.
Topic: NSF LEAPS-MPS Program
Panelists: Diana Hubbard (Brooklyn College), Vincent Martinez (Hunter College), Nicholas Vlamis (Queens College), all recipients of the LEAPS-MPS awards

Register at: RSVP for the LEAPS-MPS Discussion (encouraged but not required)
Zoom Info: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89690957244 Meeting ID: 896 9095 7244
Event Flyer: Flyer

Description The NSF LEAPS-MPS Program was recently launched (in 2021) with the goal to support Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS) principal investigators in launching their research careers such that LEAPS-MPS awards are followed by competitive CAREER or individual-investigator grant submissions. It is particularly suitable for our junior faculty at CUNY because of its emphasis in institutions that do not traditionally receive significant amounts of NSF-MPS funding, such as some minority-serving institutions (MSIs), predominantly undergraduate institutions (PUIs), and Carnegie Research 2 (R2) universities. LEAPS-MPS has the additional goal of achieving excellence through diversity and aims to broaden participation to include members from groups historically excluded and currently underrepresented in the Mathematical and Physical Sciences, including Blacks and African Americans, Hispanics, Latinos, Native Americans, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and other Native Pacific Islanders.

In this panel discussion, our CUNY colleagues who have just received the LEAPS-MPS awards will share their experience in the application process. This will be a virtual event through a zoom meeting. Questions can be asked through the registration form, or during the panel.

In addition to this panel, NSF will have a Webinar on Nov. 30, 2022. Information available at MPS LEAPS Webinar. We expect the NSF webinar to be more on the regulations and advice from NSF’s viewpoint, while our panel is more of a conversation with the award winners of the program. Both events are worthwhile for those interested in the program.

Reminder for the NSF LEAPS-MPS program

Previously, we posted information about the NSF LEAPS-MPS Program. Here, we would like to remind you about this program and deadline. The goal of this program is to help launch the careers of pre-tenure faculty in Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS) fields at institutions that do not traditionally receive significant amounts of NSF funding, such as some minority-serving institutions (MSIs), predominantly undergraduate institutions (PUIs), and Carnegie Research 2 (R2) universities. The deadline for full proposal submission is January 26, 2023. This program is a great fit for our junior colleagues in mathematical and physical sciences.

For those interested in this program, consider attending the NSF Webinar on Nov. 30, 2022. Information available at MPS LEAPS Webinar (11/30/2022) – November 30, 2022

At Home with Queens College Event Series

This is an event series hosted by the QC Office of Alumni Relations. Information for the next talk are

Title: Detection and Characterization of Magma Accumulation Zone at Orca Submarine Volcano (Bransfield Strait, Antarctica)

Speaker: Dax Soule, Assistant Professor, QC School of Earth and Environmental Sciences and CUNY Graduate Center

Date: Thursday, November 17, 2022, 4 – 5pm, virtual meeting via zoom.

Registration: bit.ly/DaxSoule

More information about this lecture series, including abstracts and future talks, are available at https://qccommunity.qc.cuny.edu/pages/alumni-pages/alumni-upcoming-events