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NASA Opportunities

NASA’s Gateways to Blue Skies: Clean Aviation Energy Competition is now open. In the push toward net-zero emissions by 2050, NASA seeks to crowdsource ideas for potential new clean aviation energy sources. Through the 2023 Blue Skies Competition, teams of two to six students will conceptualize and analyze the climate impacts along the source-to-flight lifecycle of one potential, primary clean aviation energy source of the future, and create a five- to seven-page research proposal and two-minute video summary. Finalist teams will receive a $6,000 stipend to participate in the 2023 Blue Skies Forum at a NASA center in June 2023. Winners are eligible for NASA internships in the academic year following the competition. Notice of Intent deadline is October 17, 2022, and Submission Deadline is February 28, 2023. For questions, contact [email protected].

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